
How do I find my booking number, PNR and other identification data?

How do I find my booking number, PNR and other identification data?

When we travel by air we use documents that contain identifying information, such as; booking number, flight number or PNR (Passenger Name Record). To make sure you’re fully prepared for your flight, we’ve put together a short guide so you know exactly where to find all this information.

What is the eSky booking number, and where can I find it?

Once your reservation is confirmed, you'll be sent an eSky booking number. This is a unique code that allows you to manage and view your booking. Please keep this information safe in case you need to make any changes or contact us - this number is for eSky bookings only. If you need to contact the airline directly you’ll need to use the flight booking number instead.

You can find your booking number in:

  1. Your booking confirmation email – once your booking has been made, we’ll send you an email which will highlight the booking number.
    • For example, it should be 10 digits: 1234567890
  2. Your eSky account – log into your account and go to the 'My bookings' section. This is where you’ll find all the details of your booking, including the booking number.

Why is it important to have your booking number handy? Once we have your booking number we can easily view and make changes to your trip.

What is a flight booking number, and why is it important?

A flight booking number is a unique number used to identify your booking if you need to contact the airline directly. It’s usually a combination of 6 letters and numbers, for example: 4YUK3R. It also includes information such as:

  • flight route
  • passenger details
  • ticket status
  • payment details
  • special flight requirements (e.g. meals, assistance for passengers with disabilities).

You’ll need to have your flight booking number ready when contacting the airline directly. However, if you need to contact eSky, please use the eSky booking number instead.

Where can I find my flight booking number?

  • In your booking confirmation email in the ‘flight details’ section
  • In your eSky account in the “My bookings” section.

The flight booking number is useful if you need to manage your booking on the airline's website (Manage My Booking, MMB). Here you can, change your booking details, add extras and even check the status of your flight.

Where do I find my flight number?

Your flight number can be found in your booking confirmation email and usually a unique airline code made up of letters and numbers (e.g. “LO123”). Although, this may vary depending on the airline you’ve booked with.

You can find the flight number:

  • In your booking confirmation email – under the ‘flight details’ section.
    • For example, flight number: LO123
  • In the ‘My bookings’ section of your eSky account.
  • On your flight ticket or boarding card.

A flight number is useful if you need to check the status of your flight or for the latest updates on the departure board at the airport.

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